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A little about me

What God gives to me I try and pass on. I'm no-one special. I have no great gifts. I get things wrong, time and time again, but I do believe God uses the little things we offer Him and have seen God use my five loaves and two fish offering over and over again. I do not pretend to speak for God, but over the years people have appreciated what I pass on in my blogs and have been encouraged by it. My hope is that in my books you will find encouragement, inspiration, and challenge for your Christian journey. 

I have been writing for most of my adult life, and have been creating blogs and Facebook Pages in various forms for almost 20 years. I'm also keen on photography and have worked as a photographer in various forms throughout my life. I have worked as a Student Pastor, a Tea Taster, an Archivist, a Fair Trade Business owner, a Sheltered Housing Manager and a Boot factory Quality Control Officer amongst other jobs. I have worked alongside the homeless, large business owners, drug addicts, peers of the realm, the dying and Bishops. During all these times I have learnt from many people, observed life in all its complexities and seen God at work throughout it all.   I now find I can use my experiences as well as my writing and photography in creating wonderful books to inspire, help and challenge people in their Christian Journey. With over 60 books in the pipeline, I have a lot of work ahead of me, I had better get on.

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